How to create sports motivation with Drostanolone Propionate

What is sports motivation, what does it consist of, and how does an athlete own it? We will analyze in more detail in this publication.

Motivation and motives.

As a sports psychologist, I practically study with each athlete his personal sports motivation. Self-examination is an incendiary thing, I tell you! It often gives answers about what and what motivation I found or how I lost along with the goal. With an exclamation: “I have some kind of motivation, but I’m not sure about it,” I understand that we will now draw up a research dialogue about needs, goals and internal resources, their rational use, and the discovery of new ones. Here I recall the expression of Theodore Roosevelt, “Do what you can, with what you have, wherever you are.”

So, to create a motivation system we define:

  • 3. Available internal resources (skills, personal qualities, reflections, etc.)
  • 4. Motives: this is something objectified and substantial, satisfying a person’s need.
  • The more motivated the athlete, the more effective he is. If the goal is not fixed or imposed, then personal resources are not in the system of achieving the goal and, accordingly, can always “turn on” in the head “I want, but I can’t … then I won’t”, which will lead to further loss of motivation and, consequently, to the end of classes or to complete failure.

Important: the goal is based on your own desires and needs, and it is best to visualize it!


Imagine a young girl who came to the gym for the first time. The coach may be interested in what led her, what she wants from classes. She wants to “build by the summer and tighten her muscles.” With these words, she expresses her need – to look good, but expresses in general terms, since she is not yet familiar with specific types of exercises and Drostanolone Propionate from Clarification “by the summer” has a time interval set by the subconscious. The desire to look good forms a goal that is measurable for her (possibly in kilograms or centimeters).

A wise trainer will help with goal-setting from the first lesson and will fix, for example, such a goal: “I weigh 55 kilograms on June 1”! What is her internal resource (driving forces), which she identified in herself to achieve goals and motives? Resources can be: time (I devote 2 hours three times a week), past sports (skill in systemic training), interest in high cardiac loads, and so on. And the motives, for example, may be: the pursuit of excellence (increasing one’s self-confidence), raising one’s social status (an elite fitness club) and making new acquaintances.

Acceptance of Motivation

Motivation, even if it is clear and purposeful, must be completely accepted within you. If you experience the slightest resistance in motivation, you must immediately let go of it. How to identify this? Remember your goal, the motives for achieving the goal, and the entire motivation system that you intend to apply to yourself in relation to time. If at any point (or time period) you feel even a little internal resistance (force yourself, deprive yourself, impose yourself, etc.) or feel insecure about your resources (after a month I have a session / business trip and I can’t keep the schedule of classes – everything will fail), this must be worked out, namely, to accept the resistance and, then, remove it.

Motivation must be perfectly accepted within you.

How to remove tormentation? For starters, ask yourself this question: “What will happen to me if I accept resistance?” Imagine. And accept this state. Yes, we can accept different ourselves, our different feelings and conditions! Now ask yourself: “Can I let go of the resistance?” And try to imagine your feelings that will accompany the separation from the previously accepted. As soon as you feel free, then you have done it, and there is no resistance. You understand that you do not have to, do not owe anything to someone, contrary to your desires, but move forward towards the goal, not limiting yourself internally, without inhibiting your own motivation. That is, you cannot let go of the balloon, if before that you did not take it in your hand! Take and let go! Work out and let go of yourself and serious thoughts – “limiters”:

  1. “I can’t”
  2. “I do not know how,”
  3. “I can’t handle this” and others.

There is an important nuance here! You can easily lose your goal, and therefore motivation, if your goal is not harmonious with other goals or resource failures are “planned”. Resource gaps that emerge from the subconscious can often be compensated by replacing them with others. The signs that your motivation works without resistance, you will immediately feel inside: you manage your time, you separate the essential from the insignificant, you control the tasks on the way to the goal.

Development of demotivators

It is naive to believe that a beautifully written goal is easy to realize. No, no one warned that it would be simple. And the most tricky in the matter of motivation are demotivators. One of them is fear. Fear of failure, the inability to achieve the goal, rejection, which are often formed in childhood and manifested in adulthood by conditioned reactions to any external factors. Hypersensitivity to the opinions of others, critical comments, or fear of making a mistake can really demotivate and move away from goals. The ability to perceive temporary difficulties or negative factors, without changing their motivation, is the most advantageous position! And in this matter, a sports psychologist can come to the rescue.

Fear of failure is one of the most common demotivators.

To summarize: needs and motives give rise to needs. With their awareness, the mechanism of activity is launched at the required level of activity. You can imagine how to achieve the goal and get where you want, having those resources that you have “here and now” and involving new resources. The more goals are realized, the opportunities and ability of an athlete’s resources to adapt (quality, time, etc.) are more objectively assessed, the stronger the motivation. A systematic approach is an aid in maintaining motivation. The initiator of the system is usually a trainer. And to whom can we entrust this? Only more competent than ourselves!

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